Mario Barajas
University of Barcelona, Spain
Mario Barajas Frutos is a Doctor in
Education from the University of
Barcelona and Master’s Degree in
Educational Technology from San
Francisco State University in the USA.
He holds degrees in Engineering and in
Philosophy and previously taught
Mathematics in secondary education. He
teaches about Digital Learning
Environments, and in the doctoral
program ‘Education and Society’ at the
Faculty of Education of the University
of Barcelona. He is a founder of the new
Institute of Educational Research of the
same University. He is a member of
different Research Committees, Journals
and Conferences at an international
level. During the last two decades, Dr.
Barajas has coordinated and participated
in a large number of the European Union
funded projects and leads the research
group Future Learning
© The 2025 11th International Conference on Learning and Teaching (ICLT 2025)