Submission Guideline

Abstract Submission

The abstracts can be one-page long (200-250 words). The abstract include Problem Statement, Purpose of Study, Methods, Findings and Results, and Conclusions and Recommendations (These elements may need some adaptation in the case of discussion papers: Background, Purpose of Study, Sources of Evidence, Main Argument, and Conclusions). Please note that some elements are optional in abstracts. While submitting your abstract, you should enter all co-authors’ names in the abstract, not only the main author. After your submission, you should receive a response that your submission has been made from the conference secretary and you will hear from us again before the notification deadline the decision of your submissions.

Abstract will be included in the conference program/materials, but will not be published. If you have publication purpose, please submit full paper to us.

 Full Paper Submission

Submissions to ICLT 2025 must be original; submissions cannot have been published or accepted in a journal or conference proceedings, nor presented at another conference. Further, submissions must not be concurrently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere. If your paper has previously been published as a working paper or a pre-print, you will be asked to describe this as part of the submission process.

When the full paper is submitted, it is double-blind reviewed by a member of the Conference Review Committee. This review process entends to ensure that the paper is relevant to the conference, is of a sufficiently high quality to be accepted for presentation at the conference and publication in the conference journals and meets the submission criteria laid down by the programme committee.

Page Limit: Each paper must be no more than 8 pages (including the abstract, figures, tables, and references). Extra pages will be charged $70 (US dollars) per extra page.

Submission Methods

Please submit your paper over. We provide the below two submission methods, please choose one submission method. Do not submit twice to avoid any inconvenience caused by dupicate submission.

1.Please submit the formated article to Iconf Conference System.

2. Or you can submit to email:

© The 2025 11th International Conference on Learning and Teaching (ICLT 2025)